
There are a number of ways to support Voices Against Injustice. In addition to providing a donation or becoming more informed about issues relating to human rights and social justice, you (anyone!) can become a Friend of VAI.

A Friend may provide:

  • Provide assistance to the Memorial Committee on the oversight of the Salem Witch Trials Memorial.
  • Suggest creative ways to interact with tourists visiting the Memorial; providing them with a deeper, more meaningful experience.
  • Donate and help to maintain the Salem Witch Trial Memorial.
  • Contribute ideas for the monthly newsletter.
  • Submit and encourage others to submit applications for the annual award.
  • Present ideas for lectures, symposia related to human rights and social justice.
  • Develop suggestions for social events to build awareness.
  • Forward recommendations on educating school children about human rights and social events.
  • Assist in the identification of descendants of the Salem Witch Trial victims.
  • Donate : We are always grateful for donations of any size.
  • Provide linkages for the VAI with other human rights and social justice organizations.
  • Assist in fundraising efforts through connecting VAI with potential resources.
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you are interested in helping Voices Against Injustice, please contact us. committee@voicesagainstinjustice.org